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As a dancer, gymnast, or performing artist, your body is your most important tool. That's why we've created our dance physiotherapy service here in Edinburgh to meet your unique needs. Our dance physio services are designed not only to treat injuries but also to improve your control, prevent injuries from occurring in the first place, and educate you on the latest dance safe practices for all ages. 


We understand the physical demands of dance and other performing arts, and are equipped with the knowledge and tools to help performers stay healthy and injury-free. We're dedicated to helping you stay at the top of your game. We offer safe flexibility progression, guidance for hypermobility, physiotherapy pre-pointe assessment, improving turnout, height of jumps, injury rehab and prevention. Whatever your needs or age, whether you're a beginner or advanced, we're here to help you achieve your goals.


We believe in working cohesively with other practitioners, dance teachers, and coaches to ensure that each individual receives the best possible dance physio care.


We understand that every performer is unique, and we take the time to get to know you and your body so that we can create a personalised treatment plan that works for you.


We can help you keep your body healthy, strong, and ready to perform at your best. Contact us today to enquire about our dance physiotherapist services based here in Edinburgh.

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